Less than two weeks after Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox introduced their new Bengal kitten named Whiskey to the world, PETA is taking a stand against designer pets.
The animal rights organization revealed this week that they’ve plastered posters all over West Hollywood, Calif., depicting a cat in a cage with the caption “Megan Fox & Machine Gun Kelly: Why do you hate me?”
In a press release about the posters, PETA celebrity relations manager Matt Kilbourne wrote in a letter to the couple: “Congratulations on the engagement of twin flames and two halves of the same soul. But really, didn’t even half of the soul consider homeless cats, who number in the tens of thousands at animal shelters in L.A., before purchasing a purebred one? In addition to having Whiskey neutered, if you decide to add to your family again, can we please ask that you get a friend for him at one of L.A.’s shelters so that you can help ease the overpopulation problem rather than exacerbate it?”
According to PETA, more than 15,850 cats entered L.A. city shelters in 2021 and more than half of them were kittens. In the U.S., around 70 million cats and dogs are homeless at any given time, an estimated 10% of whom end up in shelters.
Billboard has reached out to Machine Gun Kelly’s reps for comment on the PETA posters and hadn’t heard back at press time.
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